Our history is firmly rooted in the BC forest industry. It’s in our name. It defines who we are. Now, after over 70 years, our track record of consulting and executing projects throughout Canada has made us the longest-lasting forest consulting firm operating in Western Canada.
We provide expertise in quantifying, locating, describing and valuing forest resources. We have many experts on staff including Registered Professional Foresters, Registered Forest Technologists, forestry technicians, biologists, agriculturalists and silviculturists. Many of our senior consultants have been with us for more than 20 years.
Our consultants are experienced in all types of forest development projects across most silviculture and harvesting systems. We have a solid background in legislative and regulatory requirements for all forest tenures in BC.
We serve clients both nationally and internationally, including many throughout BC, Alberta and the Yukon. We specialize in:
- Integrated Resource Management Plans
- Forest Stewardship Plans
- Cutting Permit Submissions
- Timber Reconnaissance
- Road Location
- Bridge Survey and Design
- Cut-block Layout
- GPS Traversing
- Timber Cruising
- Forest Health - Aerial Overview Surveys
- Harvest Plans
- Waste and Residue Surveys
- Woodlot and Small Scale Salvage Acquisition and Development
- Harvest and Silviculture Treatment Supervision
- Silviculture Surveys and Professional Prescriptions
- Silviculture Site Plans, and EMS Training
- Timber Volume and Decay Studies
- Private Land Valuations
- Invasive Plant Management
- Logging and Road Construction Supervision
- Visual Landscape Inventory & Visual Impact Assessments
Our Services
Sectors Served
- Forestry
- Mining
- Oil and Gas
- Private Land
- Municipalities
- First Nations
Department Contact
Paul Schuetz
Department Head