Conifex Inc.

Fibre Supply Analysis

We were retained by Conifex Inc. to undertake a spatial timber and biomass supply analysis of the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area. The project was completed to assist in the identification of candidate stands suitable for harvesting over a 20-year period, to estimate the volume of recoverable biomass and to estimate the cost of delivering logs and biomass to a sawmill and a proposed 36MW bioenergy plant.

A Geographic Information System was employed in combination with Remsoft Spatial Planning Software and management assumptions consistent with government’s timber supply review for the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area. A 20-year harvest plan was created and optimized using a linear programming objective function that maximized log value while minimizing cost to deliver fibre to processing plants.

A final report provided Conifex with an independent review of the cost and availability of biofuel supply to support capacity operations for a bio-energy power plant near the town of Mackenzie BC. The report was instrumental in securing debt financing for the power project.

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Since 1952
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