BC Timber Sales

Multiphase Pre-harvest Cut Block Development

IFS was retained under contract to develop potential sites within the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area and the Prince George Timber Supply Area that would be suitable for future timber auctions carried out by BC Timber Sales. The multiphase contracts included both field, office and engineering support services.

In the field:

  • Proposed timber harvest sites were marked with ribbon and paint and the boundaries traversed to obtain GPS coordinates.
  • Merchantable stand volumes were determined through timber cruising.
  • Access to the proposed harvesting sites, (where none existed), was determined through preliminary reconnaissance, location identification and final terrain surveys.
  • Post-harvesting treatments were prescribed through assessments of existing soil and ground vegetation conditions.

In the office:

  • Timber cruises were compiled (using IFS’s propriety CruiseComp program) to determine merchantable volumes in preparation for submission to the government for stumpage determination.
  • Road survey data was compiled into engineering software for creation of engineered road designs.
  • Large water crossings having field survey data were compiled into site plan maps.
  • Boundary and GPS data were processed into maps for eventual cutting permit submission.
  • Soil and ground vegetation information was used to develop post-harvest silviculture site plans.

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Serving The British Columbia Forestry Industry
Since 1952
© Industrial Forestry Service Ltd.